Friday, February 6, 2009

happiness that could not be voiced out..

Since my daugther presented me with a bundle of joy (grandson), my life has changed tremendously. I feel very happy indeed. Ipray to Allah that he (Mus'ab Umair Abdullah Hidayat) will grow up as a wholesome person religiously, academically, healthyly, wealthy, prosperously, mentally and physically. InsyaAllaH...


  1. Syukur Alhamdulillah a year has passed since then. Now I am counting the days and momment to be joined by another gift of joy. InsyaALLAh jika diizinNye tak lama lagi akan lahir cucuku ke 2...

  2. Mus'ab is going to be a big brother soon.So big bro be brave, strong,an try to be independent??? you soo much musab. just cant wait to hug you and squeeze you in my arms..ermmmmy musab umair..
